Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Colby's eating by HIMSELF!!!

Since I haven't posted anything in a while I decided to do 2 postings. Colby is growing up so fast! 2 nights ago he started feeding himself with a fork. I didn't have the camera handy the first night so I was sure to get it last night before he started eating. He does such a great job and is so proud of himself. He puts the food in his mouth then he even puts the fork in his mouth again to make sure he got all of the food. Yes, my lil man does not let ANY food go to waste. He loves food. I haven't found much of anything he won't eat. Enjoy the pics and I will post some more after Kendall's Birthday... I Promise.

As I said he waste ANY food. He dropped a piece and got it!


OK I am a slacker in the blogging world. As I said when I started the blog I would TRY to keep up with it. Well, needless to say... that has not been working. As most of you know Russ has been out of town working since early February and it has been very busy around our house to say the least. We have been going to see Russ on his 1 dat off so we have been steady on the go. Kendall is turning 4 on the 24th and I have been trying to be SUPERMOM and plan her party (in advance). Work is picking up a little so I have actually had to work (and not play on the computer). I have however tried to catch some of the activities we have been doing.

Colby LOVES the slide

Partners in C-R-I-M-E